Here’s what you can expect from us:
Are you ready to reduce workload for your special ed staff, empower general educators and provide a solution that’s actually optimized for today’s K-12 special education populations? Imagine…
- Reducing paperwork and streamlining communication instantly between special and general education teachers for all IEP and 504 information. No more downloading “IEPs at a Glance” or creating spreadsheets of accommodations.
- Empower teachers at every level with the confidence to manage all students’ diverse needs, in real time, with vetted, research-based instructional supports for every IDEA diagnosis and skill gap.
- Keep general educators informed and prepared in real time, no more communication getting lost in emails.
- Tracking accommodations, goals, classroom supports, and interventions- all in one place.
- Keeping all information, all in one place attached to every student, and easily accessible from your LMS- meeting teachers where they are. Not one more platform.
- Freeing up your special ed coordinators and teachers to focus on instruction, collaboration, and improving outcomes, rather than tedious paperwork.
EdMod’s unique features like our Learning Biography, Goal Tracking, Team Board, and Strategy Library make this all possible, and more.